Aerodromes and Airports
Aircraft Identification and Registration
Aerodrome Markers and Markings
Aerodrome Lighting
Permits, Licensing and Ratings
Airspace Structure, Classification and Use
Other Airspace Divisions
Operating and Flight Rules
Operational and Emergency Equipment Requirements
Operations in the Vicinity of an Aerodrome
Normal and Emergency Radiocommunications
Operational Control Systems
Introduction to Commercial and Private Operators
Private Operator
Aerial Work Operations
Air Taxi Operations
Pilot Fatigue Regulations
Safety Management System (SMS)
Aircraft Equipment Requirements
Aircraft Maintenance Requirements
Transportation Safety Board (TSB)
Air Traffic Services, Procedures and Aerodrome Operations
Theory of Flight
Flight Controls
Airframes, Engines and Systems
Design of the Wing
Aircraft Stability
Pitot-Static System
Magnetic Compass
Gyroscopic Instruments
Other Flight Instruments
Winter Operations
Mountain Flying Operations
Wheelbarrowing and Groundloops
Use of Performance Charts
Weight and Balance
Wake Turbulence, Jet Blast and Propeller Blast
Aviation Physiology
Aviation Psychology
Design and Automation
The Earth's Atmosphere
Atmospheric Pressure
Heating and Cooling of the Atmosphere
Moisture, Clouds and Precipitation
Stability and Instability
Surface Based Layers
Air Masses
Aviation Weather Reports
Aviation Forecasts
Radio Wave Theory
Non Directional Beacons and Automatic Direction Finders
Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range (VOR)
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
Other Radio and Radar Aids
Flight Planning
Practice Exams


There are some things you just cannot get away with at an airport or aerodrome, most of which should come as no surprise.

Movement Within an Aerodrome

Do not walk, stand or operate a vehicle/aircraft on the movement area of an aerodrome, except in accordance with permission given by the operator of the aerodrome, and where applicable, by the appropriate air traffic control unit or flight service station.


Do not tow an aircraft on an active movement area at night unless the aircraft displays operating wingtip, tail and anti-collision lights or is illuminated by lights mounted on the towing vehicle and directed at the aircraft.


Do not park or otherwise leave an aircraft on an active manoeuvring area at night unless the aircraft displays operating wingtip, tail and anti-collision lights or is illuminated by lanterns suspended from the wingtips, tail and nose of the aircraft.

Defacing Equipment

Do not remove, deface, extinguish or interfere with a marker, marking, light or signal that is used at an aerodrome for the purpose of air navigation.

Unauthorized Markings

Do not knowingly display at or in the vicinity of an aerodrome a marker, marking, sign, light or signal that is likely to be hazardous to aviation safety.


Do not discharge a firearm within or into an aerodrome without the permission of the operator of the aerodrome.

Open Flames

Do not smoke or display an open flame on an apron, an aircraft loading bridge or on a gallery or balcony that is contiguous to or that overhangs an apron or in an area where smoking or the presence of an open flame is likely to create a fire hazard that could endanger persons or property.

Directed Bright Light Source

No person shall project or cause to be projected a directed bright light source into navigable airspace in such a manner as to create a hazard to aviation safety or cause damage to an aircraft or injury to persons on board the aircraft.

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