Aerodromes and Airports
Aerodrome Markers and Markings
Aerodrome Lighting
Permits, Licensing and Ratings
Airspace Structure, Classification and Use
Other Airspace Divisions
Operating and Flight Rules
Operational and Emergency Equipment Requirements
Operations in the Vicinity of an Aerodrome
Normal and Emergency Radiocommunications
Aircraft Equipment Requirements
Aircraft Maintenance Requirements
Transportation Safety Board (TSB)
Air Traffic Services and Procedures
Theory of Flight
Flight Controls
Airframes, Engines and Systems
Design of the Wing
Aircraft Stability
Pitot-Static System
Magnetic Compass
Gyroscopic Instruments
Winter Operations
Mountain Flying Operations
Wheelbarrowing and Groundloops
Use of Performance Charts
Weight and Balance
Wake Turbulence, Jet Blast and Propeller Blast
Aviation Physiology
Aviation Psychology
The Earth's Atmosphere
Atmospheric Pressure
Heating and Cooling of the Atmosphere
Moisture, Clouds and Precipitation
Stability and Instability
Surface Based Layers
Air Masses
Aviation Weather Reports
Aviation Forecasts
Radio Wave Theory
Non Directional Beacons and Automatic Direction Finders
Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range (VOR)
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
Other Radio and Radar Aids
Flight Planning
Cross Country Procedures
Practice Exams

Retro Reflective Markers

Some aerodromes may use retroreflective markers in place of lights to mark the edges of runways or helipads. These retroreflective markers are approved for use on runways at registered aerodromes only, however, they may be used as a substitute for edge lighting on taxiways or apron areas at some certified airports. Retroreflective markers are to be positioned in the same manner as runway lighting described earlier. Therefore, when the aircraft is lined up on final approach, retroreflective markers will provide the pilot with the same visual representation given by normal runway lighting. A fixed white light or strobe light is also be installed at each end of the runway to assist pilots in locating the aerodrome and aligning the aircraft with the runway.

The approved standard for retroreflective markers requires that they be capable of reflecting the aircraft landing lights so that they are visible from a distance of 2 NM.

Preflight Planning

Pilots are cautioned that the reflective capabilities of retroreflective markers are greatly affected by the condition of the aircraft landing lights, the prevailing visibility, and other obscuring weather phenomena. Therefore, as part of pre-flight planning to an aerodrome that uses retroreflective markers, pilots should exercise extra caution in checking the serviceability of their aircraft landing lights and make provisions for an alternate airport with lighting in case of an aircraft landing light failure.

Retroreflective taxiway edge markers

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