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If the alternate static source is selected
Flight through active Class F airspace with the designator CYR
The primary reason a pilot may become disoriented during a white-out is
Although pilots may fly IFR at the published MEA or MOCA, in the winter, when air temperatures are much lower than standard, pilots should operate at altitudes of at least . . . . . above the MEA or MOCA.
While transitioning from VMC to IMC during a go-around, a pilot may inadvertently
Select the correct statements regarding thunderstorm avoidance and actions to take during an inadvertent entry into a thunderstorm.
Select the correct statement if visibility deteriorates below the published aerodrome operating visibility after an aircraft has commenced taxi for departure.
A TAA provides a minimum clearance of . . . . . above all obstacles.
During times of precipitation and when compared to a human observation, the ceiling reported by an AWOS tends to be
If a pilot closes an IFR flight plan while still 60 miles from its destination
If shallow fog is reported over the touchdown zone, pilots should be aware that
When the weather conditions at an uncontrolled aerodrome could permit VFR circuit operations, pilots operating aircraft under IFR
Which of the following are requirements for a contact approach?
The onboard DME receiver will exhibit the greatest error when an aircraft is at a
An aircraft with an approach speed of 110 KIAS has been cleared for the RNAV (GNSS) 31 and will circle to land on runway 07. The applicable MDA and recommended visibility are . . . . . and . . . . . respectively.
Which of the following statements is correct regarding visual approaches?
The airspace associated with T-routes extends upward from
The angular width of the ILS localizer course is approximately
Unless otherwise instructed by ATC, pilots flying IFR should adjust their transponder code to . . . . . in low level airspace.
The pilot-in-command of an IFR aircraft destined to an airport which underlies controlled low-level airspace and for which there is not a published instrument approach procedure
Where a satellite-based approach is planned at both the destination and alternate, they must be separated by a minimum of
Aerodromes served with an AERODROME ADVISORY forecast may qualify as an alternate provided the forecast weather is no lower than . . . . . above the lowest usable HAT/HAA and the visibility is not less than . . . . .
The pilot-in-command of an IFR aircraft who intends to conduct the NDB RWY 28 shall report the aircraft’s position
A. when passing the Bathurst NDB outbound.
B. after passing the intermediate fix.
C. on final approach.
D. three minutes before the estimated time of landing.
E. when passing the final approach fix.
Assume that the only useable approach at CYAM is the ILS RWY 12. Which of the following forecast weather conditions allow CYAM to be used as an IFR alternate?
A. OVC 006 – 2 SM
B. BKN 008 – 1 SM
C. OVC 005 – 3 SM
D. OVC 007 – 1 1/2 SM
Unless a full readback is requested by ATC, when clearance is received on the ground before departure from a controlled aerodrome and a standard instrument departure (SID) is included in the clearance, the pilot only needs to acknowledge receipt of the clearance by repeating
What is the maximum holding speed for an aeroplane at 6,000 feet ASL?
A pilot is departing from an uncontrolled aerodrome with no ATC tower in service. The RVR is not reported, ground visibility is 1SM and pilot visibility is 1 1/4 SM. What is the aerodrome operating visibility?
When flying IFR in airspace under the jurisdiction of Canadian ATC, use of the phrase “Cancelling IFR” results in
The holder of a pilot licence endorsed with a Group 2 instrument rating may, under IFR act as a PIC of
Select the correct statement regarding RAIM.
Fault detection and exclusion (FDE)
. . . . . is glossy, clear, or translucent and formed by the relatively slow freezing of large, supercooled water droplets.
RVR “A” is located adjacent to the
A pilot is parked on the ramp but experiences the illusion of moving backward as an adjacent aircraft begins to slowly taxi forward. This is a form of
Aircraft operating IFR that are unable to set the current altimeter setting when it is greater than 31.00 in. Hg
When departing from runway 35 under IFR, if an aircraft’s groundspeed during the initial climb is 140 knots, the minimum climb rate is
Ground visibility will only impose an approach ban on commercial operators at aerodromes south of . . . . . latitude.
A pilot departing under IFR from runway 34 at CZVL must maintain a climb gradient of . . . . . ft/NM and maintain runway heading until . . . . . ft AAE before proceeding on course.
The use of . . . . . is predicated upon the pilot having wind direction, wind speed and runway condition reports required to conduct a safe landing.
When instructed to fly runway heading, or when flying a SID for which no specific heading is published, a pilot must
Critical surfaces include
If seen on a GFA, this image indicates an area of
Which of the following is correct regarding an AIRMET?
The presence of . . . . . is an indication that . . . . . exists at higher altitudes.
A pilot wishing to obtain the current weather at CYGK should do so on
L0089/19 NOTAMN
A) CYBW B) 1910100901 C) 1912302359
Select the correct statement regarding the pilot of an aeroplane planning to use the Springbank VOR (YBW) during the enroute portion of a flight on December 31st, 2019 between 0900Z and 1100Z?
VHF range is largely dependent on . . . . . while LF range depends on . . . . .
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