A VFR Navigational Chart (VNC) are used by VFR pilots, and display aeronautical and topographical information. The VNC uses the Lambert Conformal Conic Projection which means a straight line drawn on a VNC represents a great circle route. The VNC is also based on a scale of 1:500,000.
It should not be used for flight in low ceiling and visibility conditions and not all obstacles will be shown. Furthermore, due to the long chart update intervals (one, two or five years) some aeronautical information may not be current. New information (obstructions, restricted and advisory areas, revised control zones, etc.) is initially advertised by NOTAM or AIP Supplement, then published in the CFS and ultimately incorporated in a chart revision
The VNC series of 52 charts is intended for VFR navigation throughout Canada. It satisfies the requirements of visual air navigation for operations at/or below 12,500 feet ASL.
A Guide to Using NAV CANADA Aeronautical Publications
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Transport 2018