Holding Clearance [DELETE]

A holding clearance issued by ATC includes at least:

  • A clearance to the holding fix
  • The direction to hold from the holding fix
  • A specified radial, course, or inbound track
  • If DME issued, the DME distances at which the fix end and outbound end turns are to be commenced (e.g. hold between [number of miles] and [number of miles])
  • The altitude or FL to be maintained
  • The time to expect further clearance or an approach clearance or the time to leave the fix in the event of a communications failure

In the absence of an outbound DME being issued by ATC, pilots are expected to time the holding pattern in accordance with sub-sections below:

  • The altitude or FL to be maintained
  • The time to expect further clearance or an approach clearance; or
  • The time to leave the fix in the event of a communications failure.

During entry and holding, pilots manually flying the aircraft are expected to make all turns to achieve an average bank angle of at least 25° or a rate of turn of 3° per second, whichever requires the lesser bank. Unless the ATC clearance contains instructions to the contrary, or a non-standard holding pattern is published at the holding fix, pilots are expected to make all turns to the right after initial entry into the holding pattern.

Occasionally, a pilot may reach a clearance limit before obtaining further clearance from ATC. In this event, where a holding pattern is published at the clearance limit, the pilot is to hold as published. Where no holding pattern is published, the pilot is to hold in a standard pattern on the inbound track to such clearance limit and request further clearance.

If communication cannot be established with ATC, the pilot should then proceed in accordance with communication failure procedures.

AIM RAC 10.2 Holding Clearance
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