Non-variable factors refer to parts of the trip preparation – such as chart preparation – which will not change due to variables such as weather. These items can be done in advance of the flight – usually the night before.
Using the CFS, confirm the suitability of the departure, destination and alternate aerodrome. This includes items such as:
- Number, direction, length of runways, and types of surfaces
- Availability of services (tower, customs, fuel, lights, accommodations, etc.)
- Are special procedures in effect (e.g. non-standard circuit altitudes or patterns, arrival or departure routing)
- Call the Airport Operator if there is any doubt about the condition of the destination
Regarding, the aircraft to be used for the flight, confirm the following:
- Are you checked out and current on the type? How about for night flying with passengers?
- Are the documents in order?
- Do you have time to complete the flight before the next scheduled inspection?
- Perform a walk-around of the aircraft. Even if you are not leaving for a day or so, you might find a snag that can be fixed in time for your flight. Also, if you are leaving very early or very late in the day, you can make arrangements for fuel and oil if required.
- Do a preliminary Weight & Balance calculation. This allows you to determine the approximate amount of useable fuel.