Speed Adjustment for Radar-Controlled Aircraft [DELETE]

This section is for information only. It describes directives to controllers and in no way alters the applications of CAR 602.32, which prescribes the following maximum speeds for all aircraft:

  • Below 10,000 ft ASL, 250 KIAS; and
  • 3,000 ft AGL and within 10 NM of controlled airports, 200 KIAS.

To assist with radar vectoring, it is sometimes necessary to issue speed adjustments. While ATC will take every precaution not to request speeds beyond the capability of the aircraft, it is the pilot’s responsibility to ensure that the aircraft is not operated at an unsafe speed. If ATC issues a speed reduction that is inconsistent with safe operation, the pilot must inform ATC when unable to comply.

Speed adjustment will be expressed in units of 10 KIAS or multiples of 10 KIAS. Pilots complying with a speed adjustment are expected to maintain a speed within 10 KIAS of the specified speed.

Pilots may be asked to:

  1. Maintain present speed; or
  2. Increase or reduce speed to a specified speed or by a specified amount.

Unless prior concurrence in the use of a lower speed is obtained from the pilot, the following minimum speeds will be applied to:

  • Aircraft operating 20 NM or more from destination airport at or above 10,000 ft ASL: 250 KIAS
  • Aircraft operating 20 NM or more from destination airport below 10,000 ft ASL: 210 KIAS
  • Turbojet aircraft operating less than 20 NM from destination airport: 160 KIAS
  • Propeller-driven aircraft operating less than 20 NM from destination airport: 120 KIAS.
AIM RAC 9.7.3 Speed Adjustment – Radar-Controlled Aircraft  

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