
Haze is an atmospheric phenomenon where dust, smoke, and dry particles in the air obscure the sky’s clarity. Haze consists of tiny dry particles suspended in the air that produce a bluish colour when viewed against a dark background. Although haze may occur at any level in the troposphere, it is more common in the lower few thousand feet. The top of a haze layer which is confined by a low level inversion has the appearance of a horizon when viewed from above. In this type of situation, the haze may completely obscure the ground in all directions away from the vertical. Dense haze may reduce visibility to less than three miles. The visibility in haze is lower when looking towards the sun than away from it but is better when looking towards the moon than away from it. Atmospheric haze can create an illusion of being at a greater distance and height from the runway. As a result, a pilot has a tendency to be low on the approach.

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