Blast Pad & Stopway

A blast pad is:

  • An area before the threshold that is prepared to resist erosion arising from jet exhaust or propeller wash
  • Not designed to support the weight of an aircraft
  • Marked with yellow chevrons when over 60 metres in length

A stopway is:

  • A rectangular area on the ground at the end of takeoff run available prepared as a suitable area in which an aeroplane can be stopped in the case of a rejected takeoff
  • Marked over its entire length with yellow chevrons when its length exceeds 60 metres
  • Lit with red edge and end lights in the take-off direction
  • Included in the accelerate-stop distance available (ASDA) declared for the runway

Although they may appear similar, stopways can support the full weight of an aircraft and are designated for use during a rejected takeoff, while blast pads are not designed to support aircraft weight.

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